Welcome to OHBA’s Blog!

Welcome to OHBA’s blog! Thank you for joining us, showing interest in organics, and taking time out of your busy schedule to learn more about OHBA. We are so excited to get started and hope that you enjoy it!

For those of you that don’t know about OHBA: OHBA (Organic Horticulture Benefits Alliance) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2004 (we can’t believe we turned 20 this year!). Fostering knowledge and confidence, OHBA is your community resource for a healthier tomorrow, where organic horticulture meets human health. In short, We Teach Organics! Our goal is to provide you and the Houston community with expert knowledge on Organic topics. We bring in speakers from around the world who have unique expertise in gardening, soil health, foraging, native plants, water conservation, and much more. We offer exposure to these types of speakers through events like OHBAPalooza, our biggest event of the year, Science Day, Soil Science Conference, various Networking Events, and more.

In February of 2004 Bob Randall of Year Round Gardening, Mike Serant of MicroLife & John Ferguson of Nature’s Way Resources started OHBA. Previously a branch of Urban Harvest, OHBA began as the Organic Horticulture Business Association. By 2006 we obtained a 501(c)(3) title & morphed into the Organic Horticulture Benefits Alliance. The goal was to teach horticulturalists to grow & maintain plants organically & to take as much toxicity off the planet as possible. Since then, we have hosted over 200 classes and brought in speakers from around the world. We have built an incredible network of experts that love sharing their knowledge.

What can you expect from this blog? We aim to offer educational content through short posts. You might hear from me (Sarah Y) discussing a topic or get insights from our community of experts! We’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest in organics, share tips and tricks for growing and thriving in Houston, and maybe recommend some great books. We want to make quality organic education accessible to everyone.

For those that want to dive into the world of Organics, please join us on August 10, 2024 for OHBAPalooza. This is our largest event of the year, with 14 expert speakers discussing topics from native plants, urban farming, backyard chickens, water conversation, the secret language of trees, and more. This will be an all day event with great networking opportunities with an incredible community of like-minded people, exhibitors and speakers. To purchase tickets please go to www.ohbaonline.org/ohbapalooza. We can’t wait to see you there!

If you have questions, want to get involved, attend OHBA events, or help spread the word about organics, please contact us through our website: www.ohbaonline.org.


Book Review: “For The Love of Soil”